Fairy Garden Room Remake

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Fairy Garden Room Remake

Fairy gardens, fairy magic, fairy lights, fairy roses. I have always had a vision of a creative girly space for Natalie (my 5-year-old daughter) to feel like she can have fun, and dream. I whole heartly believe in creating space where she can explore and imagine anything that pops into her mind. All of the most amazing influential people in the world had to imagine and think creatively. My goal was to gift her a space to build that skill.

Set Your Intentions

What do you want to accomplish? before I go into any project, I like to have a guide light. Some people create a mood board or a list. I do better with an overarching intention and no more than 3 bullet points. I keep it vague, so I have flexibility to adapt and change if I need to.

My intentions out of a move and remake for her room is to

  1. Give her more space as she grows
  2. Give her ownership and a space to ground her
  3. Give her FUN.

Furniture Layout

I always start with the furniture layout. Drop the big things in first so you can see how much actual wall space you have. I know I wanted to work with all of the family heirloom furniture that was handed down to us from my in-laws. Bed, high-boy dresser, vanity and side table.

The windows in her new space are a transom style, and I am able to gain some flexibility with where to place everything. Once I got the big four placed then I went through what I actually wanted beyond that, which wasn’t much. I wanted a bookshelf to promote reading and her tent to create a quiet secret space that’s hers.

Then I listed my absolute functional things I needed beyond that. Hooks for jackets, backpacks, scarves, etc. laundry bin, stuffed animal bin, and her towel warmer.

Now that I etched all of those out and placed them, I was able to dream about placement of decor.

Choosing a theme

This kid is the girly girl of all girls. Tutu’s, crowns, make-up. All of it. Throw that in with the love for being outside and you got a fairy garden theme!! I actually started a little fairy garden outside for her when she was 2 because she wanted to garden like me. So, in turn I created a space that was hers to play with every year. we have miniature hostas and perennials, plus miniature annuals that we pick up each year and build it out and put all the little houses and figures back in the summer. I thought I could bring that in and create a life-size fairy garden for her.

Materials gathered for the decor:

  • Variety of green vines from any craft store.
  • Oversized pink peonies from storage.
  • LOTS of Flowers of creams, pinks, peaches and reds. (roses and peonies)
  • Fairy lights
  • Any fun decor you find. (birds, butterflies, art, needle point work, sketches, fairy garden decor)
  • Nails (1″ and 1.5″) hammer, picture hanging wire, power drill, screws, measure tape, and level
  • Hooks or hook fixture

Streamlining the decor process.

When I start to think about what I wanted for Natalie’s room, I created a list of colors, materials, and I pulled together a pile of things I already had in my home that I could repurpose or things that were from her baby room that I could re-use.

I love the idea of her having things that are handmade. I am surrounded by loads of talented people and always want them to be a part of the experience for Natalie. I have always equated handmade with love. When I found out I was pregnant I asked people around me if they would make something for Natalie’s room. Blankets, pillows, art, sketches, needle point pieces. Those are automatic heirlooms for her to have forever. Those were a starting point of pieces I gathered for the walls.

Back when I was working for a retail store, we would throw decorative props away at the end of the season and I was always the recycler and couldn’t let things hit the trash. So, I saved these pink tissue peonies from destruction. I knew someone would LOVE them and find a use for them. I added them to my pile.

I find that if I group everything, I start to see what I could do with the items.

Remember at this point you have to step back and allow time to complete the tasks at hand. I know during the creative process; I need to step away for a day and come back with a fresh perspective or stop to have lunch and relax outside with the fresh air. Most people will plow through the list, but I like to enjoy the project. This took me about 4 days to complete.

Find continued inspiration.

I laid out all the bigger decor pieces and knew where I wanted to put framed artwork and started to think about the placement of the large pink peonies. Then I stepped away and went to a few stores to see what inspiration I could find. I specifically went to the patio/garden area to help generate some ideas. I like to go in with no list and just see what my options are. What inspires you? I visited 3 stores. I bought a handful of things that I thought would be fun to add to my pile at home and from there I picked through the pieces one by one and started to create a vine of greens, flowers and garden pieces. Once you start it’s easier to see if things will continue to match your them or not. I started a maybe pile of items and a NO pile of items but continuing to reevaluate if they stay in the pile.

I hope you Enjoy the pictures, This, was a lot of fun to decorate and the response I got from my daughter was exactly what I hoped for. She was so thankful and just wants to play in her room each day.

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