About Me

Minnesota Native here! Born and raised. Still enjoying the hibernation time and the change of the seasons. Most think we are crazy to live here because of the extreme temps. After living in Cali and my sister living in Florida, MN has a lushness and cleanliness about it that you can’t find anywhere but more North. The change of the seasons brings in a change in thoughts, actions and forces us to think about the time of the year and simply enjoy what each quarter has to offer.

I have lived in my house since 2011 in West St. Paul and have slowly remodeled this home with my husband top-to-bottom. I loved our home solely because of its brightness, and it has only gotten brighter with the addition of our daughter. Being a home owner has forced me to learn many skills and to develop a fondness for things that I didn’t know I would enjoy.

I have loved growing up with a life anchored in so my traditions and centered around holiday’s. I had such an awesome relationship with my parents, siblings and grandparents, whom all had such strong influences on my life. Each person has been driven to craft something.

My parents both had the mentality of “I can do that.” Now, I know growing up it didn’t come always from a place of wanting to learn new skills but to save money living on a budget. I really am amazed at how much work our families did years ago before everything changed. my soul craves a time of simplicity, creating, exploring and enjoying time. I have had some major life events that have caused me to age in my thinking, The other side of that coin was also learning what I really care about.

Launching this site is something I never thought I would get to and was always nervous about, Then I woke up one day and said why? Why am I called to this? It crazy to just drop everything a do it. The mind and heart are funny things. Never seem to be on the same page and then I read a book called Pivot Year and within minutes my world shifted on its axis. Feeling like I was at a crossroads this last year for various reasons. I started searching for some books to read that would help me grow as a leader in my job. I happen to pick this one up and read this quote.

“Maybe you don’t need to find more energy, maybe you just need to find a dream that makes you actually want to get up in the morning” – (pivot year, Brianna Wiest)

I have always loved my job and life because I make it what it is but sometimes, I have felt like I needed more or the potential to do more was there, but didn’t really know how to start. There is no perfect time. continue to learn this day after day. It doesn’t exist. There is only today and right now. Now get going and start squeezing your day.